What are the tables in SAP that holds the key data points required to optimize a supply chain

What are the tables in SAP that holds the key data points required to optimize a supply chain

SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) is a widely used Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that helps organizations manage various aspects of their business, including supply chain management. Within SAP, key data points related to the supply chain are typically stored in various tables across different modules, depending on the specific data you need. Here are some common SAP tables that hold important data for optimizing a supply chain:

  1. Material Master Data:
    • MARA: General material data, including descriptions and basic properties.
    • MARC: Material data at the plant level, including stock levels and storage locations.
  2. Vendor and Supplier Data:
    • LFA1: Vendor master data, including contact information and payment terms.
    • LFM1: Vendor master record for material management, including purchasing data.
  3. Purchase Order Data:
    • EKKO: Header data for purchase orders, such as order numbers and dates.
    • EKPO: Item data for purchase orders, including quantities and prices.
  4. Sales Order Data:
    • VBAK: Sales order header data, including order numbers and dates.
    • VBAP: Sales order item data, including quantities and materials.
  5. Inventory Data:
    • MSEG: Document segments for material movements, including goods receipt and goods issue data.
    • S031: Stock/requirements situation.
  6. Production Data:
    • AUFK: Order master data, including order numbers and statuses.
    • AFPO: Order item data, including quantities and materials.
  7. Warehouse Management Data:
    • LQUA: Quant data for warehouse stocks.
    • LQUAB: Storage bin data.
  8. Transportation and Logistics Data:
    • LTAK: Transfer order header data.
    • LTAP: Transfer order item data, including handling units.
  9. Quality Management Data:
    • QALS: Inspection lot record.
    • QMAT: Material master for quality management.
  10. Financial Data:
    • BKPF: Accounting document header data.
    • BSEG: Accounting document segment data.
  11. Forecasting Data:
    • MC62: Forecast profiles.
    • MC63: Forecast parameters.
  12. Customer Data:
    • KNA1: Customer master data, including contact information.
    • KNVV: Sales area data for customers.
  13. Pricing and Conditions:
    • KONP: Conditions (pricing) data.
    • KONV: Condition records.

These tables are just a subset of the many tables within SAP that hold data relevant to supply chain management. The specific data points required for supply chain optimization will depend on your organization's processes and needs. A qualified SAP consultant or IT professional with expertise in your organization's SAP system can help you access and extract the necessary data for your supply chain optimization efforts.

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