Quick overview of internal audit analytics

Quick overview of internal audit analytics

What is internal audit analytics?

It is a data driven method to test the internal controls to identify risks of various business processes in an organisation.

5 Steps to perform internal audit analytics

Step1 - Define the risk & control matrix for the business process in scope
Step2 - Prepare the list of testing criteria to test the controls in place
Step3 - Gather the relevant data from the IT system (ERP) to perform data driven control testing
Step4 - Gather all transactions that fails the control testing process and tag them as exceptions
Step5 - Build a visual dashboard and report the exception

Common business processes where internal audit analytics is applied

  • Procure to Pay
  • Order to Cash
  • Record to Report

Professional certifications for internal audit analytics


Top 5 companies who hire internal audit analytics professionals

EY, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, BDO

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